How you can help the Student Art Guide

The Student Art Guide is produced by ordinary teachers and has no outside funding. Our articles and resources take many hours to create. We rely on advertising to help cover costs and to ensure that we can deliver quality resources to our readers. As the website grows, we plan to hire additional experienced art teachers to develop a wider set of comprehensive teaching resources, in areas such as graphic design, photography, fashion, textiles, moving image and sculpture. There are numerous ways that you can contribute: often these cost nothing and take only a second of your time. We are thankful for every bit of assistance we receive!

Ways to help

Click the social media share buttons at bottom of articles and ‘Like’, ‘Pin’, or ‘Tweet’

Social shares introduce our material to a wider audience. High social share counts also add credibility to the content, and let new readers know that others have appreciated and valued the material. This is a very simple action, which costs nothing, yet helps a lot.

Link to us from your own website

Schools often list us within the resources section of their Art Department website, or set homework tasks related to our content and link to us in the process. As well as making it easier for students to find us, clickable links deliver huge benefits in terms of the way that Google values our website and means that the Student Art Guide is more likely to be shown in Google search results. Adding a link takes about 30 seconds to implement, but has major ongoing positive benefits. This is one of the best free ways that you can help us continue provide great resources for teachers and students.

Write a detailed article about an awesome high school Art project

If accepted for publishing, this can be a superb way for students and schools to receive recognition for their efforts. This also helps us with our goal of providing ongoing inspirational content for our audience. Please read our submission guidelines for more information.

Use our guide to creating your own website

If you are planning to create your own website, our free guide helps walk you through this process. How to make an artist website (and why you need one), contains affiliate links to the website hosting provider that we recommend. If you purchase hosting through these links, there is no extra charge to you, however we are donated a commission for each sale. This is another excellent way for you to contribute to our site.

Buy our book!

We have just published a book for art teachers and students. It is called Outstanding High School Sketchbooks. Any purchases of this are gratefully received, as are reviews of this book on Amazon. The book is self-published and hence we rely on honest reviews and word of mouth to market our books. Thank you!

If have any other ideas about how you might be able to help, we would love to hear from you!


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